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Saturday- 19:20, 31/08/2024

Minister Le Minh Hoan: NAFI family jointly 'enriches' for 100 million people

(VAN) Agricultural production thinking is constantly changing towards ensuring hygiene, safety, and quality for all actors in the chain and requiring high adaptation.
Minister Le Minh Hoan presented a commemorative banner to the NAFIQPM collective. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Minister Le Minh Hoan presented a commemorative banner to the NAFIQPM collective. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Persevere with the goal for 30 years

On the morning of August 30, the National Authority for Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality, Processing, and Market Development (NAFIQPM) celebrated its 30th anniversary. Attending the ceremony were Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan; former Deputy Minister of Fisheries Nguyen Thi Hong Minh; former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Viet Thang; and former Director of the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department Nguyen Tu Cuong.

Also attending were representatives of the Embassies of China, the US, Denmark, Canada, Brazil, etc., along with a large number of officials and employees of NAFIQPM and regional quality centers across the country.

In his opening speech, Mr. Nguyen Nhu Tiep, Director of NAFIQPM, thanked the presence of numerous guests and delegates. He said that this is an opportunity to review the 30-year journey of the agro-forestry-fisheries quality management system, as well as clearly recognize key tasks in the coming time.

"NAFIQPM has now become a prestigious brand not only domestically but also with trade partners and international organizations. That honor was built from the first bricks 30 years ago," Mr. Tiep said.

Director Nguyen Nhu Tiep thanked the companionship of relevant organizations and individuals during the past time. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Director Nguyen Nhu Tiep thanked the companionship of relevant organizations and individuals during the past time. Photo: Tung Dinh.

According to Mr. Tiep, from the initial idea of ensuring food safety for entities participating in the production and business chain for domestic consumption and expanding seafood export markets, the name "NAFI" has become a general name for the entire agro-forestry-fisheries quality management system up to now.

Touched when attending the ceremony, former Deputy Minister Nguyen Viet Thang said that fisheries workers always wish to develop the industry because Vietnam has great potential in seafood, with quality highly appreciated.

Being well aware of this problem, right from the early days, the NAFI system has unanimously agreed with the slogan "Quality and food hygiene and safety from pond to table." The production and processing of seafood in particular and food in general must strictly comply with this.

Former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Viet Thang. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Viet Thang. Photo: Tung Dinh.

"That day, we thought that it must be safe for the world to come here to eat. Looking at the atmosphere in the hall today, I believe that will continue to be the operating motto of the quality management system," Mr. Thang expressed.

Former Deputy Minister Nguyen Thi Hong Minh recalled the early days of establishing the National Fisheries Inspection and Quality Assurance Center (NAFIQACEN), the predecessor of today's NAFIQPM. At that time, the Center had only three people with inadequate facilities and did not even have a technical expert.

Former Deputy Minister of Fisheries Nguyen Thi Hong Minh. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Former Deputy Minister of Fisheries Nguyen Thi Hong Minh. Photo: Tung Dinh.

However, thanks to the attention and support of the leaders of the Ministry of Fisheries and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in different periods and the initiative, determination, and commitment of the leaders of NAFIQACEN, the quality management system gradually took shape across the country.

"At that time, many people and businesses did not know what hygiene standards were. Standards equivalent to Europe were even far distant. Yet only 5 years after its establishment, NAFIQACEN has guided 18 businesses to qualify to export seafood to the EU," said Ms. Minh.

Hundreds of delegates and guests attended the event celebrating NAFIQPM's 30th anniversary. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Hundreds of delegates and guests attended the event celebrating NAFIQPM's 30th anniversary. Photo: Tung Dinh.

In that period, the European Union had just been established (in 1993), with the goal of promoting unification and raising requirements for food quality. Meanwhile, Vietnam was in the early years of innovation. Many businesses have wondered if they invest in infrastructure and food safety control processes, whether they can surely export or not.

"We have persistently persuaded and helped businesses clearly realize that this is an inevitable process, helping the fisheries industry and the image of Vietnam to be promoted, as well as deeply integrate with the world," shared Ms. Minh.

12 collectives and 16 individuals were rewarded

Within the framework of the celebration, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan presented a banner to congratulate the NAFIQPM collective on its 30th anniversary.

12 collectives and 16 individuals received Certificates of Merit from the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development on this occasion. Photo: Tung Dinh.

12 collectives and 16 individuals received Certificates of Merit from the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development on this occasion. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Along with that, the Minister awarded Certificates of Merit to 12 collectives and 16 individuals of NAFIQPM with outstanding achievements in ensuring the quality of agricultural, forestry, and fishery products, contributing to the agricultural sector's development and rural development.

Of which, 12 collectives rewarded on this occasion include the Food Safety Department; the Conformity Monitoring and Evaluation Department; the Planning Department; the Department Office; the Central Regional Processing and Market Development Sub-Department, the Southern Regional Processing and Market Development Sub-Department, and the Quality, Processing, and Market Development Center for regions I, II, III, IV, V, and VI.

Adapt to new situations

Mr. Nguyen Tu Cuong, the first Director of NAFIQACEN (predecessor of NAFIQPM), thanked the contributions and joint efforts of generations of officials and employees of the quality management system. He said that thanks to these efforts, Vietnamese seafood has successfully conquered the two most demanding markets, the EU and the US, as well as reached an export record of more than USD 10 billion in 2022.

In the new context, when Vietnam integrates deeply into the world economy and participates in many free trade agreements (FTAs), Mr. Cuong noted that NAFIQPM as well as related organizations and individuals should pay special attention to sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) issues. This is a mandatory technical barrier that Vietnam's agricultural, aquatic, and livestock products must overcome.

Mr. Ralph Bean, Agricultural Counselor of the US Embassy in Vietnam, assessed that the 30-year journey of the quality management system has clearly reflected this organization's contributions in helping Vietnam ensure food hygiene and safety domestically as well as exported.

According to Mr. Bean, the world's food quality requirements are increasingly high. Thus, he expressed his hope that in the coming time, NAFIQPM will deploy appropriate inspection and supervision processes, contributing to improving added value for the entire industry.

Mr. Ralph Bean, Agricultural Counselor of the US Embassy in Vietnam. Photo: Tung Dinh

Mr. Ralph Bean, Agricultural Counselor of the US Embassy in Vietnam. Photo: Tung Dinh

Ms. Katrine Lovenbalk Lundsby, Agricultural Counselor of the Danish Embassy in Vietnam, affirmed that Denmark and Vietnam have a long and close tradition of bilateral cooperation in the field of food safety. Since 2017, cooperation between the two countries has focused on food safety and animal feed production. The program is also an important component of the Green Strategic Partnership Agreement, launched by the Prime Ministers of the two countries in November 2023.

Mr. Ta Van Tuong, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Hanoi City, admitted that Vietnam's export rate of raw products is still relatively large. Improving quality as well as strengthening inspection and supervision of production and processing processes must be accompanied by raising people's awareness and consciousness.

A 'NAFI family'

Sharing at the celebration, Minister Le Minh Hoan said he felt happy when watching the film about the 30-year journey of the quality management system, produced by NAFIQPM in collaboration with Vietnam Agriculture Newspaper.

According to the leader of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in the space of the Hoa Mai meeting room today, hundreds of officials and employees of the "NAFI family" had the opportunity to sit down and connect with each other, making him think of a relay race.

Mr. Nguyen Tu Cuong, former Director of NAFIQACEN, then Director of NAFIQAD. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Mr. Nguyen Tu Cuong, former Director of NAFIQACEN, then Director of NAFIQAD. Photo: Tung Dinh.

According to Minister Le Minh Hoan, there are many goals that an organization or individual must aim for. It could be today's celebration; happiness throughout a process of striving; or the improvement of the quality of life of 100 million Vietnamese people. "People's health is a very important thing, but perhaps we need to set a vision for 2050," he said.

The Minister said that the NAFI system's mission in the early days was to meet export standards and help seafood conquer demanding markets such as the EU. But in the current context, in addition to the task of improving export value, perhaps it is necessary to devote more resources and pay more attention to the people who are "immersed" in the food production, processing, and distribution ecosystem.

Agricultural production thinking is constantly changing towards ensuring hygiene, safety, and quality for all actors in the chain. From the perspective of management agencies, it is very difficult to go to each field to "on-the-job train" people on production. Therefore, along with the task of inspecting, monitoring, and even sanctioning food insecurity cases, we must also disseminate and raise awareness for people.

According to the Minister, the development path of agricultural products, or any organization or individual, all needs to build a "brand." 

Minister Le Minh Hoan: 'NAFIQPM continues to develop, worthy of the affection that people and businesses have sent.' Photo: Tung Dinh.

Minister Le Minh Hoan: 'NAFIQPM continues to develop, worthy of the affection that people and businesses have sent.' Photo: Tung Dinh.

In recent times, NAFIQPM has consolidated its organization. In the new situation, the commander of the agricultural sector called on each NAFIQPM official and expert to think in the new context, moving forward to become a solid support for businesses and people.

"Thinking should change; businesses are now partners and companions with management agencies. There are many things that businesses approach and react to very quickly," the Mister emphasized.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said that in the name of NAFIQPM, it is necessary to further highlight the role of "market development." Because the market is the destination, but it is also the input factor that shapes and restructures production. The organization of conferences and forums should subdivide the market and highlight the characteristics of each market, combined with the existing business experience of the enterprise.

Reiterating the thought of "going together," the Minister acknowledged that over the past 30 years, the "NAFI family" has built a nationwide system. He hopes that, from this base, NAFIQPM will continue to develop, worthy of the affection that people and businesses have sent.

Authors: Bao Thang - Tung Dinh

Translated by Thu Huyen

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