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Thursday- 18:23, 28/10/2021

MARD adjusts administration reform plan

(VAN) Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien has signed Decision No.3985 adjusting the administration reform plan of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) in the year 2021.
The MARD has announced eight key tasks to reform administrative procedures in the last months of 2021. Photo: Nguyen Huan.

The MARD has announced eight key tasks to reform administrative procedures in the last months of 2021. Photo: Nguyen Huan.

Accordingly, the Minister of the MARD decided on adjusting the administration reform framework in 2021 approved by the Ministry at Decision No.5428/QĐ-BNN-TCCB dated December 31, 2020.

For institutional reform, the MARD shall continue to develop and perfect the institutional system of the ministry and its departments and agencies, improving capacity, effectiveness and efficiency of state management, building momentum for agricultural development and global integration.

The reform shall focus on eight duties, 21 activities and products, amending, adding, cut and simplifying administrative procedures relating to business activities in order to create favorable conditions for people and enterprises, completing the system of standards for the agricultural sector.

Eight key institutional reform tasks include making legal documents of 2021; reviewing legal documents in the field of state management under the MARD; systemizing and unifying legal documents; supervising the enforcement of law and the implementation of Resolution No.02/NQ-CP of the Government dated January 1, 2021.

Regarding the objectives of the administration reform, the MARD shall continues to push up administrative procedure reform to remove barriers for production and business activities; standardizing administrative procedures to reach a synchronous and uniform approach throughout the sector and for each specialized field in particular; improving the quality of the processing of administrative procedures; reforming administrative procedures between bodies under the MARD and within each unit. The MARD also aims to put one-stop-shop mechanism into use, increasing dialogs with people and enterprises. The content consists of 6 duties, 17 activities and products.

Particularly six key duties of the administrative reform include controlling administrative procedures; implementing connected one-stop-shop services in handling administrative procedures; receiving and handling administrative procedures as well as citizen and enterprise feedbacks via public service portal; implementing the Government's Resolution No.68/NQ-CP dated May 12, 2020; inspecting the implementation and the control of administrative procedures in the internet environment.

Besides, the MARD shall continue to arrange and strengthen the organization of the MARD's apparatus; arranging and merging public non-business units in accordance with the Resolution No.19-NQ/TW.

The MARD also aims to reform civil services to develop a contingent of public employees with professional ethics, qualifications and capabilities. Along with that, the MARD shall carry out the projects on training and fostering human resources for the agricultural sector, particularly focusing on proper recruitment, job rotation and appointment.

The MARD shall continue to renew the operation mechanism of the public non-business units under the Ministry, speeding up the socialization of some types of public non-business services under the Ministry; efficiently using state budget , focusing on prevention and combat against corruption, practising thrift and combating wastefulness.

Moreover the MARD also pay attention to developing electric government (E-GOV4.0) , a move toward digital government  .

To make the process of administrative procedure reform effective, the MARD has made positive and drastic changes in directing, guiding administrative procedure reform in accordance with the Government's  Master Program on State Administration Reform in the 2021-​2030 period in a comprehensive and synchronous manner. The implementation of the Ministry's Plan for the year 2021 will contribute to ensuring the development strategy of the MARD in harmony with the tasks approved by the Government.

Author: Minh Phuc

Translated by Mai Tham

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