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Friday- 17:20, 27/08/2021

License over one million dossiers under the National Single Window

(VAN) The MARD, through the National Single Window Portal, has received a total of 1.14 million dossiers, processed and licensed over 1.03 million cases.
Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien emphasized that administrative procedure reform plays an important role in international regional integration and boosting the country's production. Photo: Pham Hieu.

Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien emphasized that administrative procedure reform plays an important role in international regional integration and boosting the country's production. Photo: Pham Hieu.

As reported by the MARD, in recent times, the Ministry has instructed units to actively coordinate with the General Department of Customs and the Military Industry and Telecommunications Group (Viettel) to develop, implement and connect the procedures of the Ministry at the units under the National Single Window (NSW), meeting the requirements of planning and effective tasks at 5 Departments and 2 General Departments with a total of 29 /30 procedures (reaching 96.7%).

Up to the present date, the units have received a total of 1.14 million dossiers through the VNSW Portal have processed, electronically licensed over 1.03 million records for businesses, individuals, and organizations under the NSW.

The Ministry’s implementation of NSW has resulted in high efficiency and many beneficial aspects to businesses, the people as well as specialized management agencies.

The application of digital signatures has really changed the traditional way of doing things in the direction of applying modern information technology, thereby promoting the implementation of digital transformation, creating favorable conditions for businesses, organizations and individuals, simplifying documents and procedures, shortening registration time and cost for commodity inspection and customs clearance. At the same time, this change will enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, slowly but surely meet the requirements of ASEAN regional and international integration, and help implement administrative reform.

The Ministry’s implementation of NSW has resulted in high efficiency and many beneficial aspects to businesses, the people as well as specialized management agencies. Photo: Pham Hieu.

The Ministry’s implementation of NSW has resulted in high efficiency and many beneficial aspects to businesses, the people as well as specialized management agencies. Photo: Pham Hieu.

According to Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien, administrative procedure reform plays an important role in integrating the international sector and boosting the country's production. A nation of socialist rule of law, without unifying administrative procedures, will make things difficult for economic development. For integration to be successful, this problem must be addressed radically. Therefore, with a huge amount of work, the units of the MARD need to speed up the processing of administrative procedures.

As stated by Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien, in addition to the implementation of the National and ASEAN Single Window system associated with e-Government and digital government transformation, the administrative apparatus of units need to be connected, unified and integrated, especially in the context that the process of integration into global supply chains regionally and internationally is increasingly extensive.

“So far, ASEAN has been unified into one block and has a solid economic foundation. Moreover, new-generation Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have helped Vietnam connect deeply with the international market. Accordingly, we require unity and similarity from laws, awareness, standards, and production processes, particularly the general trend of dual supply chains: domestic and international chains”, Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien emphasized.

In the first 6 months of 2021, units of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development received a total of 84,835 dossiers; processing and electronically licensing 75,514 dossiers; continuing to process 9,321 dossiers for businesses, individuals and organizations under the National Single Window.

Author: Pham Hieu

Translated by Samuel Pham

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