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Friday- 18:38, 23/08/2024

Investment in marine farming: Policy remains on land, but life is out to sea

(VAN) Applications for sea area allocation must go through many ministries and branches, making it difficult for aquaculture investors to access them.
Having a large sea surface area, many bays, clean water, and little affected by storms, grouper farming in cages is popular in Van Don. Photo: Vu Cuong.

Having a large sea surface area, many bays, clean water, and little affected by storms, grouper farming in cages is popular in Van Don. Photo: Vu Cuong.

45,000 hectares for marine farming in Quang Ninh

“According to the provisions of the Law on Fisheries No. 18/2017/QH14, the Department is responsible for advising and reporting to the Provincial People's Committee on integrating marine areas for cultivation into the Provincial Planning and marine spatial planning; advising on licensing marine farming within the 6 nautical mile boundary as per its authority,” said Nguyen Minh Son, Director of Quang Ninh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Quang Ninh has currently planned 45,246 ha in the sea areas of 9 localities: Quang Yen, Ha Long, Cam Pha, Van Don, Co To, Tien Yen, Dam Ha, Hai Ha, and Mong Cai for aquaculture development. This includes 23,975 ha (53.0%)of sea area within 3 nautical miles, 13,031 ha (28.8%) of sea area from 3 to 6 nautical miles, and 8,240 ha (18.2%) of sea area beyond 6 nautical miles. Localities are coordinating with relevant departments and branches to review and update the area of ​​sea areas planned for marine farming into the thematic map of the Provincial Planning.

The Department has arranged the sea area to attract investment projects for industrial marine farming in alignment with the province’s socio-economic development orientation, and the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Committee require localities to pay close attention to implementing them effectively. The total sea area to attract investment in industrial marine farming is 13,400 ha/45,246 ha.

A number of enterprises have surveyed and conducted research for investment strategies on a total area of ​​nearly 4,000 ha, such as Nam Mien Trung Group Joint Stock Company, Bien Dong Squid Joint Stock Company, LENGER Seafoods Vietnam Company Limited, and Tan An Seafood Joint Stock Company.

The Director of Quan Minh Company and General Director of De Heus Asia are studying marine farm sites in Van Don. Photo: Vu Cuong.

The Director of Quan Minh Company and General Director of De Heus Asia are studying marine farm sites in Van Don. Photo: Vu Cuong.

Regarding the implementation of procedures for allocating sea farming areas based on the synthesis of reports from localities, most localities have not yet proceeded with the assignment of sea farming areas to the group of individuals belonging to Point a, Clause 2, Article 44 of the Law on Fisheries No. 18/2017/QH14 under the authority of the district level (sea areas within 3 nautical miles). Quang Yen town in particular has been implementing the receipt of dossiers, classification of subjects and completion of procedures as per regulations.

As for the delay in handing over the sea surface, Director Nguyen Minh Son mentions several difficulties and obstacles. Decree No. 11/2021/ND-CP, dated February 10, 2021 of the Government regulating the allocation of sea areas still has some shortcomings.

The appraisal of dossiers requesting the allocation of sea farming areas under the authority of the Provincial People's Committee in the sea area from 3 to 6 nautical miles, in addition to the opinions of the provincial-level Military and Police agencies, must also seek opinions from four relevant ministries and branches, namely the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. This results in complicated administrative procedures, making it difficult for enterprises, organizations and individuals participating in marine farming investment to access.

Leaders of some wards and communes have not yet grasped the policies and directions of the province and district in implementing licensing and allocating marine farming areas. There are limitations in the understanding of legal regulations in implementing administrative procedures on environmental impact assessment, licensing and allocating marine areas. The mechanical and inflexible approach leads to slow work progress, not meeting the progress according to the direction of the province and the needs of the people.

Resolving existing problems

Faced with numerous difficulties in sea farm allocation in Quang Ninh, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has requested the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to take the lead in reviewing administrative procedures on environmental impact assessment, speed up the appraisal and approval of environmental impact assessment reports to serve as a basis for completing the dossiers requesting licenses for marine farming of organizations and individuals under the province’s authority.

The next step is to urge and guide localities on the progress of handing over sea areas for groups of subjects under the authority of the district level, organize the handover of sea areas, and report to the competent authority on the handing of sea areas beyond 6 nautical miles.

Van Don island district is considered an 'oyster barn' with an annual output of up to tens of thousands of tons. Photo: Vu Cuong.

Van Don island district is considered an "oyster barn" with an annual output of up to tens of thousands of tons. Photo: Vu Cuong.

“Quang Ninh Department of Agriculture and Rural Development will coordinate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the People's Committees of localities with marine farming to organize training, communication, and dissemination for people and businesses to implement regulations on licensing marine farming and issuing certificates for cage aquaculture or cultivation of key aquatic species according to the Law on Fisheries and related guiding documents,” said Director Son.

For cases where individuals apply for the allocation of sea farming areas under the district authority, the local authority needs to carefully review and select suitable subjects according to criteria of financial capacity, technique, experience, and commitment to use the assigned sea area for the right purpose. The allocation of sea farming areas also requires objectivity and transparency, particularly in terms of the limit on the allocation period.

Authors: Vu Cuong - Tien Thanh

Translated by Samuel Pham

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