September 14, 2024 | 07:14 GMT +7

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Friday- 14:05, 09/08/2024

Initializing new value for azolla

(VAN) Azolla is a low-cost organic input material appropriate for various agricultural sectors, including crop cultivation and livestock farming.

On August 8, MARD held a Seminar on ‘Azolla: Potential and challenge in sustainable agricultural production’.

Apply in numerous fields

Azolla is a rapidly growing plant that has a wide range of applications, including the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2), the fixation of nitrogen (N2), the storage of carbon, the use as animal feed, and the purification of water, according to Dr. La Nguyen of the Soils and Fertilizers Institute (SFI).

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan speaks at the workshop. Photo: Trung Quan.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan speaks at the workshop. Photo: Trung Quan.

However, Azolla can be adversely affected by specific environmental conditions, including excessively high or low temperatures (Azolla typically thrives at temperatures between 20-30°C; temperatures above 35°C or below 10°C can inhibit its growth capacity or even result in its death), unsuitable pH levels (azolla thrives in environments with a pH of 5.5-7.5), a lack of light, and pollutants, heavy metals, and toxic chemicals in water. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend the production mechanisms and concentrate on establishing azolla breeding facilities for production. It may be advantageous to choose regions with a consistently mild climate or to cultivate it indoors on an industrial scale.

Mr. Nguyen Khac Hoang, Deputy Director of Van Hoi Xanh Cooperative (Tam Duong, Vinh Phuc), evaluates that azolla does not compete for space or nutrients with primary crops. It necessitates minimal investment costs, and its biomass can double the investment within 2-3 days due to its rapid growth. Azolla is a low-cost organic input material appropriate for various agricultural sectors, including crop cultivation and livestock farming.

Socially, Azolla offers equal opportunities to individuals of all ethnicities and regions, as it can be cultivated and applied to reduce poverty and attain sustainable wealth. It is important to note that the integration of Azolla into rice cultivation can result in the production of substantial quantities of low-emission products, which can be traded for carbon credits from production areas (500 hectares x 20 credits/hectare = 10,000 credits).

Mr. Nguyen Khac Hoang, Deputy Director of Van Hoi Xanh Cooperative, said that it is necessary to add water fern as an organic fertilizer for cultivation. Photo: Trung Quan.

Mr. Nguyen Khac Hoang, Deputy Director of Van Hoi Xanh Cooperative, said that it is necessary to add water fern as an organic fertilizer for cultivation. Photo: Trung Quan.

Additionally, Mr. Hoang recommends that each commune establish an Azolla center that spans 2-5 hectares. The facilities should be responsible for the production and distribution of fresh seedlings locally, with a production capacity of 500 tons or more per year. Furthermore, Azolla should be regarded as an organic fertilizer for crops, and a production order mechanism should be implemented to promote the widespread adoption of organic production and support its development.

To overcome difficulties soon

At the workshop, MS. Pham Thi Thu (Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Bac Kan) disclosed that the province's utilization of azolla in a variety of models, including its use as fertilizer for rice, as feed for black apple snails, in organic rice cultivation (Nep Tai variety) in conjunction with carp farming, and the integration of azolla with community tourism, demonstrates that there are numerous obstacles to its wider scale cultivation.

Specifically, the integration of azolla into training classes and models is limited and small-scale due to the absence of established standards for model construction. Additionally, there is a lack of detailed research to assess the economic efficiency of azolla, such as the amount of nitrogen fertilizer that can be reduced and the economic efficiency of models that involve azolla. The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from rice fields with azolla has not yet been quantified. Controlling the spread of golden apple snails is essential for the cultivation of azolla, but there is currently no specific biological or herbal treatment for this pest.

Dr. Pham Gia Minh said that it is necessary to soon have a policy to classify water fern as a fertilizer or a crop. Photo: Trung Quan.

Dr. Pham Gia Minh said that it is necessary to soon have a policy to classify water fern as a fertilizer or a crop. Photo: Trung Quan.

Dr. Pham Gia Minh, of the Vietnam-Azovi Azolla Center, observed that the expansion of Azolla in production is still confronted with numerous bottlenecks, including the overuse of chemical pesticides, which has the potential to result in the decline of azolla; the capacity to guarantee the timely availability, quality, and quantity of azolla seedlings for the growing season; the implementation of mechanization and automation in azolla cultivation; and the establishment of standards in farming and livestock production that incorporate azolla. Consequently, it is imperative to establish policies that categorize azolla as either a crop or a fertilizer. A designated agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development must be created to oversee the implementation of the development agenda, carrying out specific functions and responsibilities.

At the same time, a program should be implemented to review the efficacy of azolla in our environment on a suitable scale, as evidenced by the most recent research findings of Vietnamese and international scientists regarding its advantages. For instance, investigating the influence of azolla on soil fertility, its function in soil improvement, crop yield, methane (CH4) emission reduction, CO2 absorption, and its capacity to provide food for livestock.

Currently, certain countries, including China, India, and the Netherlands, possess advanced scientific capabilities and large-scale applications of azolla in agriculture, livestock, greenhouse gas emission reduction, and pharmaceutical production. Consequently, they are ideal partners for cooperation and exchange. Additionally, it is worthwhile to investigate the potential of azolla as a potential avenue for collaboration with climate change mitigation funds, circular agriculture, and organic farming initiatives, as it has a robust capacity to absorb CO2 (eight times more than green plants) and reduce CH4 emissions from rice fields (by 20-40%).

The azolla model of the Van Hoi Xanh safe vegetable cooperative in Tam Duong district, Vinh Phuc province. Photo: Quynh Chi.

The azolla model of the Van Hoi Xanh safe vegetable cooperative in Tam Duong district, Vinh Phuc province. Photo: Quynh Chi.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan underscored that the task of generating new value for azolla is the responsibility of those who are "kind-hearted." The value that azolla provides to humanity is substantial, despite its diminutive size. Although the narrative of the azolla may be brief, it will serve as an inspiration for a novel perspective on how to optimize the value of the resources that are already available to us, to establish a sustainable, low-emission, and environment-friendly agriculture.

Nevertheless, to accomplish this, it is necessary to integrate the assets of a variety of sectors, including the government, scientists, society, and farmers. To establish a solid foundation that demonstrates the necessity of investing in the "revival" of azolla and developing economic and technical standards, government agencies and scientists must take a more in-depth approach, drawing on the experiences and accomplishments that have been accumulated over generations and the existing models.

Author: Trung Quan

Translated by Linh Linh

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