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Monday- 16:56, 12/08/2024

Forum for the Advancement of Women in Agriculture

Harmony between technology and environmental conservation in agriculture

(VAN) The American farmer wishes to communicate to all delegates that an increasing number of young women are entering the field of agriculture with fervor and eagerness.
Ms. Jaclyn Wilson speaking at Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA). Photo: Tung Dinh.

Ms. Jaclyn Wilson speaking at Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA). Photo: Tung Dinh.

At the beginning of her presentation, Ms. Jaclyn Wilson posed a question to the students from Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA): how many of them are interested in and have participated in livestock production, or have any knowledge of artificial intelligence (AI)?

"They appear to be irrelevant," Jaclyn remarked.

Jaclyn shared her farm's story in a video presented at the "For the Advancement of Women in Agriculture" session. Her farm is located in Lakeside, Nebraska, which is approximately 1,000km south of Washington D.C. She also highlighted the honors that she and her farm had received.

In comparison to conventional farms, her ranch stands out for its significant commitment to reducing the environmental implications of animal production. According to her, effectiveness is not only determined by increased production but also by finding a balance between sustainability and maximizing productivity.

The vitality of the natural pasture is crucial, since it serves as the primary source of nourishment for the animals and plays a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance in the area. "We must prioritize the meticulous management of the free grazing model and prevent the excessive exploitation of land," underlined Wilson.

In the past, her ranch followed traditional practices, but in recent years, she has focused on enhancing the digitization of the farm.

Ms. Jaclyn Wilson selfies with students from Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA). Photo: Tung Dinh.

Ms. Jaclyn Wilson selfies with students from Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA). Photo: Tung Dinh.

"While Jennifer heavily relies on technology in her farming operation, we do not utilize as much technology in our own operation. This is because the development of technology in the field of ranching is still ongoing, and the need for technology is not as significant. However, technology remains crucial to the success of our operation. We use an application called PastureMap. This technology allows us to access any pasture on our cell phone at any time, as long as we have cell service. However, in western Nebraska, there are often instances where we do not have cell service. Nevertheless, we can use this technology to view which herd is grazing in a specific pasture". This was shared at the Forum by Jennifer H. Schmidt, an American partner, who was invited to the forum as part of ASEAN - the International Year of the Woman Farmer – ASEAN Roadshow in Vietnam.

Since her graduation in 2002, Wilson has dedicated extensive daily hours to thoroughly investigating the entire expanse of 7,000 hectares of grassland. Consequently, the farmer devised a plan to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) in order to obtain accurate data regarding cattle information.

The ranch of Ms. Jaclyn Wilson covers an area of 7,000 hectares. 

The ranch of Ms. Jaclyn Wilson covers an area of 7,000 hectares. 

More precisely, the computer and its accompanying instruments are housed within a 40ft container. This container has one accessible entrance, which is attached to a cart designed for transporting cows. An application named Cow Sense is utilized to assess the health of each individual cow. "The average time it takes for us to gather sufficient data for one individual is approximately 40 seconds," stated Wilson.

Aside from regular health inspections, Wilson also utilizes an ear sensor on the cow to gather continuous data on parameters such as temperature and heart rate for each individual. Each of these bits of information is encoded and entered as an ordinal number.

Wilson argues that promoting the utilization of technology in cattle management is crucial, particularly in light of the agriculture industry's overarching task of providing sustenance for the global population of 8 billion individuals. In order to effectively address the "big data" issue, the Nevada farmer stated that five key solutions are required. These solutions should prioritize technology, adhere to rules, enhance efficiency, provide support, and promote community engagement.

Finally, the American farmer wishes to communicate to all delegates that an increasing number of young women are entering the field of agriculture with fervor and eagerness. In previous times, Wilson frequently found herself as the sole female presence in the meeting room, surrounded by a predominantly male group. However, presently, she is accompanied by numerous other colleagues.

Ms. Wilson regularly opens the farm to host internship programs, aiming to provide young women with more opportunities to gain firsthand experience in the agricultural industry. She believes that through these experiences, women will gradually develop confidence and acquire the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the field of agriculture.

Authors: VAN's Reporters

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