September 14, 2024 | 07:12 GMT +7

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Thursday- 13:45, 08/08/2024

Halting NAVET-LPVAC lumpy skin disease vaccination for cow herds in Lam Dong

(VAN) To date, Lam Dong has temporarily suspended the vaccination of dairy cows with the NAVET-LPVAC vaccine for lumpy skin disease throughout the entire province.
Lam Dong is a locality with a large number of dairy cows in the country. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Lam Dong is a locality with a large number of dairy cows in the country. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Diarrhea is afflicting over 3,000 cows

The Department of Animal Health (DAH) received a brief report on the diarrhea situation among dairy cows in Don Duong and Duc Trong districts, Lam Dong province, on August 7, 2024. The DAH requested assistance from local authorities to prevent and control the disease.

In particular, diarrhea has been observed in dairy cows in three communes (Ka Do, Quang Lap, and Thanh My town) in the Don Duong district since July 26, 2024. As of August 4, 2024, 2,240 cows from 100 households in four communes and towns (Ka Do, Quang Lap, Tu Tra, and Thanh My town) were infected. Of these, 27 cows died in 18 households in three communes (Ka Do, Quang Lap, and Tu Tra).

Since August 1, 2024, diarrhea has been reported in Bong Lai village, Hiep Thanh commune, among dairy cows in Duc Trong district. A total of 1,430 cows from 63 households in Bong Lai village, Hiep Thanh commune have been infected, and 18 cows died in 14 households.

In total, a total of 3,670 calves and dairy cows from 163 households in five communes of two districts (Don Duong and Duc Trong) were infected with diarrhea as of the end of August 6, 2024. 45 cows died in 32 households in four communes (Ka Do, Quang Lap, and Tu Tra in Don Duong district; Hiep Thanh commune in Duc Trong district).

Clinical examinations by the Lam Dong Department of Agriculture and Rural Development suggest that the cows' diarrhea might be due to persistent rainy weather over the past few weeks, leading to a damp climate. This, combined with reduced immunity in cows after receiving the NAVET-LPVAC vaccine from Navetco Central Veterinary Medicine Joint Stock Company, creates conditions for microorganisms to attack and disrupt the digestive system.

Soon, diarrhea among dairy cows could continue and disseminate in Don Duong, Duc Trong, and other regions.

In response, the Lam Dong Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has partnered with the Don Duong and Duc Trong districts, as well as numerous communes with infected cows, to conduct field inspections at livestock households. The situation has been monitored, and the livestock household has been encouraged and guided to implement a variety of disease prevention measures.

At present, Lam Dong province has temporarily suspended the vaccination of dairy cows against lumpy skin disease and has issued guidelines on certain treatment and nursing measures to care for cows with diarrhea. The guidelines advise farmers on symptomatic treatment and related diseases.

Additionally, 5,800 liters of disinfectant were distributed to localities in the province during the third quarter of 2024 for disease prevention, sanitation, and disinfection.

The Lam Dong Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has also mobilized all technical staff to remain in the area to coordinate with local authorities, promptly assess the disease situation, and support the implementation of preventive measures.

Many short-term and long-term measures to deal with diarrhea in dairy cows have been implemented by the Department of Animal Health and the Lam Dong agricultural sector. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Many short-term and long-term measures to deal with diarrhea in dairy cows have been implemented by the Department of Animal Health and the Lam Dong agricultural sector. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Emergency assistance for Lam Dong in combating disease

From August 7, 2024, DAH established a task force for Lam Dong province to coordinate and implement disease prevention measures and investigate the cause immediately upon getting the document from the Lam Dong Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The specific responsibilities include the inspection of the diarrhea situation among dairy cows in Lam Dong province and high-risk areas, the support of epidemiological investigations, the collection of samples for the testing of the causative agents, and the guidance of disease control measures.

The NAVET-LPVAC vaccine, which is presently in use in Lam Dng province, is also monitored by the task force, which also provides guidance and encouragement for the implementation of other measures to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases in livestock and poultry.

The Department of Animal Health has requested Navetco to cooperate with local authorities to implement remedial measures if the issues are related to the NAVET-LPVAC vaccine produced by the company.

The Department of Animal Health has requested Navetco to cooperate with local authorities to implement remedial measures if the issues are related to the NAVET-LPVAC vaccine produced by the company.

Furthermore, the task force addresses the challenges, deficiencies, and shortcomings that arise during the implementation process, proposes localized solutions, and provides coordination, guidance, and support to localities in resolving emerging issues and challenges.

The Lam Dong Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has been instructed by the DAH to cease the use of the lumpy skin disease vaccine throughout the province to conduct an investigation and determine the cause of diarrhea in dairy cows. This action is being taken in response to the current situation.

Sample analysis and testing necessitate the collection and careful storage of all used, partially used, and unused vaccine vials.

Concurrently, data is collected on the diarrhea-affected dairy cows at the outbreak sites, including the examination and inspection of lesions, as well as the collection of disease and environmental samples for testing and analysis to ascertain the cause.

The DAH issued Document No. 1817/TY-DT on August 7, 2024, to present Minister Le Minh Hoan and Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien with an update on the disease situation among dairy cows in Lam Dong. The document also aims to assist the province in the investigation of the cause and the urgent implementation of disease prevention measures.

The DAH has requested that Navetco Central Veterinary Medicine Joint Stock Company promptly dispatch company leaders and highly trained, experienced technical staff to the affected areas to collaborate on disease prevention measures.

Furthermore, the company is required to conduct an investigation into the cause, provide any necessary data to the DAH's task force and specialized agencies, and collaborate with localities to implement remedial measures if they are associated with the company's vaccine.

Author: Tung Dinh

Translated by Linh Linh

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