September 20, 2024 | 01:25 GMT +7

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Sunday- 15:46, 14/07/2024

Establishing a cruise monitoring hotline for fishing vessels losing connection

(VAN) Hotline number 02903.582.588 receives information and location reports every 6 hours when fishing vessel cruise monitoring equipment loses connection signal.

The Ca Mau Department of Justice has just organized the implementation and thorough grasp of the content of Resolution No. 04/2024/NQ-HDTP of the Council of Judges of the Supreme People's Court and related documents.

Previously, the Council of Judges of the Supreme People's Court issued Resolution No. 04/2024/NQ-HDTP guiding the application of a number of provisions of the Criminal Code on the prosecution of criminal liability for acts related to illegal exploitation, trading, and transportation of aquatic products.

Thereby, the Chairman of the Ca Mau Provincial People's Committee issued a plan to promptly propagate and disseminate Resolution No. 04/2024/NQ-HDTP dated June 12, 2024, of the Council of Judges of the Supreme People's Court, guiding the application of a number of provisions of the Criminal Code on the prosecution of criminal liability for acts related to illegal exploitation, trading, and transportation of aquatic products, and related documents.

Ca Mau province promotes advocacy and dissemination work against IUU fishing for each household. Photo: Trong Linh.

Ca Mau province promotes advocacy and dissemination work against IUU fishing for each household. Photo: Trong Linh.

The plan's purpose is to diversify forms of legal dissemination and education suitable to each subject and local conditions. Dissemination activities are complete, accurate, specific, clear, easy to understand, and easy to remember.

According to the Ca Mau Provincial People's Committee, in the coming time, the province will organize training for officials, civil servants, and employees who work in the fisheries industry, as well as officials from branches and levels related to fisheries management. This aims to deploy fully implemented steps to propagate, guide, and support people in implementing, inspecting, and handling violations of relevant regulations.

The Chairman of the Ca Mau Provincial People's Committee requested the heads of relevant departments, branches, localities, units, organizations, and individuals to implement the content of this plan. At the same time, let the hotline number 02903.582.588 receive information and location reports every 6 hours when the fishing vessel cruise monitoring equipment loses connection signal.

Author: Trong Linh

Translated by Thu Huyen

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