September 1, 2024 | 22:05 GMT +7

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Thursday- 21:32, 18/07/2024

Eight-year-old elephant in Dak Lak has both broken tusks removed

(VAN) Gold, an elephant in Dak Lak, broke its tusks after hitting a tree during playful fighting, which resulted in an infection that required removal to fully treat the injury.

On July 18, Mai Duc Vinh, Director of the Elephant Conservation, Animal Rescue, and Forest Protection Management Center in Dak Lak province, reported that the Center successfully removed the tusks of an eight-year-old elephant under their care.

According to Director Vinh, the patient is an elephant named Gold. Gold broke its tusks after hitting a tree during playful fighting with another elephant. Despite the center's staff active efforts to treat Gold's injuries, his tusk wounds did not improve.

Following examinations, veterinarians and elephant experts determined that Gold's broken tusks had affected the pulp, preventing recovery, and showing symptoms of severe infection. The center reported and requested approval from the local authorities to extract the remaining tusk portions in an attempt to fully treat Gold.

Experts extracting Gold the elephant's tusks. Photo: Quang Yen.

Experts extracting Gold the elephant's tusks. Photo: Quang Yen.

Leading elephant experts from around the world have collaborated with doctors at the center to conduct two operations since early April, 2024, in order to remove both of Gold's damaged tusks.

"The extraction of Gold's remaining tusks was performed in two stages. The first involved removing the left tusk, and the second involved the right. Each tusk extraction surgery took approximately two hours to complete. Due to Gold's large size and strength, the doctors had to administer medication and anesthesia before the procedures," Director Vinh shared.

According to Director Vinh, Gold is a male elephant; and the decision to remove his tusks was made following thorough consideration. "Before the procedure, Gold underwent treatment for his tusk injuries, but his condition did not improve. The injury affected the pulp, leading to a loss of appetite, gradual weight loss, and deteriorating health," Director Vinh explained.

The director also noted that following the  two surgical procedures, Gold's health has stabilized, and he has regained substantial weight.

In 2016, Gold followed his herd to Ea Sup district to drink water and fell into a well near a lake. At the time of the accident, Gold was only a few months old. Upon receiving the report, the Elephant Conservation, Animal Rescue, and Forest Protection Management Center in Dak Lak province promptly  responded and rescued Gold from the well.

After several unsuccessful attempts to reunite Gold with his mother in the forest, the center has cared for him ever since.

Author: Minh Quy

Translated by Nguyen Hai Long

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