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Wednesday- 10:41, 28/08/2024

Deputy Minister Hoang Trung: Honesty and integrity for the sustainable development of the fruit industry

(VAN) The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development consistently emphasizes the importance of honesty regarding crop area codes and fair competition among businesses as key factors for the sustainability of fruit exports.
In recent years, Vietnamese fruits have continuously reached new, high-value markets. Photo: Tung Dinh.

In recent years, Vietnamese fruits have continuously reached new, high-value markets. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Currently, Vietnam has approximately 1.1 million hectares of potential fruit-growing areas, especially for tropical fruits. Notable examples include dragon fruit, mango, lychee, longan, durian and rambutan, which all bring high value.

In terms of production, Vietnam produces 12 to 14 million tons of fruit annually. Alongside this, the quality and characteristics of tropical fruits from Vietnam are highly favored and well-regarded in many markets.

Deputy Minister Hoang Trung stated that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has made significant efforts to coordinate with other ministries and agencies, as well as to direct specialized agencies in negotiating and addressing technical barriers to open up new markets.

To date, major and important markets such as China, the United States, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Europe all feature Vietnamese fruits, especially those with large cultivation areas and production volumes.

"Another proof of the success of fruit exports is that the value increases each year, with growing volumes such as 2 million tons of dragon fruit and 800.000 tons of mangoes. This indicates that the quality of our fruits meets the preferences of major markets.

After quality, the issue of food safety and hygiene is crucial. We have been doing quite well in this area, particularly with the pesticide residue monitoring program and compliance with the quarantine regulations of other countries", Deputy Minister Hoang Trung shared.

According to him, Vietnamese fruits are able to meet the standards required for export to even the most demanding markets, such as the United States, Australia and New Zealand, which have very high technical barriers.

From these markets, Vietnamese fruit products have a foundation to continue negotiating and addressing technical barriers in many other countries to expand market share.

"This also proves that Vietnam's technical capabilities can meet the high requirements imposed by partners. Therefore, it can be said that Vietnam's fruit export sector has a solid basis for sustainable development", the Deputy Minister added.

Vietnam's current technical capabilities fully meet the regulatory requirements of importing countries. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Vietnam's current technical capabilities fully meet the regulatory requirements of importing countries. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Involvement of regulatory agencies

Regarding future directions, Deputy Minister Hoang Trung emphasized that state management agencies, such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, must continue to direct local authorities to properly implement the strategies and plans that the Ministry has carefully developed.

For example, the strategy for the development of the crop sector up to 2030, with a vision for 2045, includes comprehensive technical solutions and specific projects such as the key fruit tree project and the specialized vegetable growing area project.

The technical measures are systematically and thoroughly developed, covering everything from seed selection to production processes to ensure both high yield and quality. This also includes methods for using agricultural inputs in a way that reduces costs while maintaining output standards.

In this regard, the Ministry's research institutes will need to participate in developing new, high-quality seed varieties that not only adapt to environmental changes but also meet new consumer tastes. Preparations should be made in advance to ensure immediate replacement when necessary.

According to Mr. Hoang Trung, another task for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is to address technical barriers in order to negotiate market openings and diversify markets. While market access efforts in recent years have been very successful, it is equally important to maintain market share.

Expanding further, in addition to proactively addressing technical barriers, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will strengthen coordination with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in trade promotion activities, brand building and business networking.

Deputy Minister Hoang Trung emphasized the importance of honesty regarding crop area codes for exported fruits. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Deputy Minister Hoang Trung emphasized the importance of honesty regarding crop area codes for exported fruits. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Honesty Regarding Crop Area Codes

To maintain market share and the image of Vietnamese fruits in the market, in addition to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, local authorities must also be deeply involved and take practical steps to create real change, rather than just formal documentation.

Specifically, this involves strictly adhering to the Ministry's processes and guidelines to direct farmers, covering everything from seed selection, planting seasons and care to harvesting.

"For example, if harvests are conducted according to market-specific recommendations, the fruit will reach consumers in the best possible quality. This avoids the situation where a focus on high yield leads to hasty harvesting, resulting in spoilage and wastage during consumption", the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development officials analyzed.

One of the mandatory requirements for exporting fruit is having valid crop area codes and packaging facilities. This is a particularly important issue, yet there are still some challenges and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development continuously provides recommendations to address them.

On the technical side, agencies of the Ministry, such as the Plant Protection Department and the Crop Production Department, continuously coordinate with importing countries' agencies for inspections. Additionally, they provide training and guidance to local authorities on establishing crop area codes and packaging facilities.

"Notably, after being recognized and issued a code, we must maintain the conditions and regulations of the protocol to ensure sustainable development. We must be honest about the crop area codes; it is unacceptable to issue a code for 500 tons when it is used for 1,000 tons.

Doing so benefits only a few individuals but undermines the entire industry. When problems arise and importing countries impose bans, the losses will be enormous, affecting not only farmers and businesses but also the local economy and the image of Vietnamese fruits", the Deputy Minister emphasized.

Another issue that local authorities need to focus on is zoning and developing production plans tailored to each region and its advantageous products. In addition, localities also need to closely contact localities with border gates to grasp information, thereby making appropriate production plans to avoid surplus.

Fruit products can only increase in value and achieve sustainable development with the joint efforts of businesses and associations. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Fruit products can only increase in value and achieve sustainable development with the joint efforts of businesses and associations. Photo: Tung Dinh.

Fair Competition

From the perspective of businesses - an integral part of the value chain, Mr. Hoang Trung believes that there needs to be a close linkage with producers, specified through clear business contracts, to avoid price dumping and contract violations.

In addition, there needs to be attention and investment in technical support, as well as assistance with purchasing prices for farmers. Adjustments should be made according to market conditions to ensure a harmonious sharing of benefits. Only in this way can sustainable linkages be established.

There must also be a connection between businesses and regulatory agencies, with a responsibility to adhere to export regulations and avoid dishonest practices or focusing solely on quantity.

Businesses should also be responsible for connecting with one another, engaging in fair competition, and avoiding practices such as undermining or sabotaging each other. Additionally, they should establish contact and collaborate with partners in importing countries to find reliable business associates.

On a larger scale, industry associations need to identify potential markets and stay attuned to changes in regulations in order to report and advise regulatory agencies.

Another role of associations is to bring together businesses, fostering genuine collaboration for the common good.

With a coordinated effort from the central government to local authorities, from businesses to producers, we can ensure that the industry develops sustainably and yields high profits.

Speaking further about branding, the Deputy Minister emphasized that this is an important issue that businesses and industry associations need to focus on. They should work together to build the image of Vietnamese fruit and then leverage the potential and advantages of that brand.

"When bringing products to the international market, we must recognize that it is a Vietnamese brand, not just the brand of individual companies or regions. Therefore, it is essential to have the right understanding to build a unified brand for the long-term and sustainable benefit", the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development leader suggested.

Author: Tung Dinh

Translated by Phuong Linh

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