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Monday- 10:13, 28/11/2022

Cooperation opportunities of Vietnamese and Danish agricultural enterprises in animal husbandry

(VAN) Dr. Ha Thuy Hanh, Vice President of the Vietnam Farming and Agricultural Enterprises Association (VFAEA), highly appreciated the potential of cooperation with Denmark, especially in the livestock sector.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien and Dr. Ha Thuy Hanh (2nd from the right) and Mr. Le Van Hai (right) - General Director of Hai Thinh Nutrition and Livestock Company in a working session at the headquarters of the Danish Agricultural Council.

Within the framework of Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development delegation to Denmark recently, Dr. Ha Thuy Hanh, Vice President of VFAEA, had working sessions with businesses and associations on your side, opening up many cooperation opportunities in the future.

According to Dr. Ha Thuy Hanh, currently, the association has more than 180 members, of which about 40% own farms in Vietnam and in this work the association has worked with the Danish Council of Agriculture as well as many other agricultural companies to discuss the possibility of cooperation in the livestock sector.

“The association has worked with Danish businesses to promote trade in the livestock sector, particularly inputs. We visited the DanBred Company, which specializes in the production of pig breeds. This is a quality seed research and production enterprise with high productivity", said Dr. Hanh said. 

In addition to providing breeding stock, Mrs. Ha Thuy Hanh also wants to share technical instruction packages, feed rations to reduce FCR and ways to increase the weight of head/sow/year. This number in Denmark is from 38-40, while Vietnam only achieves 26-28 head/sow/year.

Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien and Mr. Le Van Hai (right) - General Director of Hai Thinh Nutrition and Livestock Company, during a working visit at DanBred Company.

Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien and Mr. Le Van Hai (right) - General Director of Hai Thinh Nutrition and Livestock Company, during a working visit at DanBred Company.

To complete the production chain from pork, in the working program of the Vietnam Association of Farms and Agribusinesses, visited Aco Funki Company, specializing in barn equipment and information technology in herd management.

In addition to direct cooperation, the Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Farms and Agribusinesses also hopes to coordinate with the Danish Agricultural Council to organize seminars, possibly online seminars, to share training on technical issues, especially in pig breeding and pig breeding, ensuring animal productivity and welfare.

Also, during this trip, the representative of the Vietnam Association of Farms and Agribusinesses visited a slaughterhouse that is evaluated as having a scale that is very suitable for practice in Vietnam with a capacity of 300 heads per day.

This is a very efficient and self-contained model with the output of sausage products from DANSKE POLSER, supplied to all Danish supermarket systems and exported to foreign countries.


Dr. Ha Thuy Hanh wishes to cooperate with Denmark to develop and meet food safety and organic standards.

If it is possible to cooperate with Vietnamese businesses, this process can turn the source of Vietnamese pork into a Danish-flavored sausage product for the domestic market.

Another important issue that Dr. Ha Thuy Hanh, while working with her Danish partners, is Animal Welfare.

"This is a new problem for Vietnamese businesses aiming to export to the European market," said Mrs. Hanh.

Accordingly, if possible, the Danish side can support experts and guide Vietnamese farms and agricultural enterprises to obtain certifications on animal welfare for two livestock groups, including laying hens and sows in groups.

In addition, the Vietnam Association of Farms and Agribusinesses representative also wishes to cooperate with Denmark to develop and meet food safety and organic standards. Thereby helping Vietnamese enterprises to produce high-quality and high-value products, especially in the field of pig raising.


Mrs. Ha Thuy Hanh (right) and Mr. Le Van Hai (left) - General Director of Hai Thinh Nutrition and Livestock Company, visit an overseas animal feed production facility.

Joining the delegation was Hai Thinh Nutrition and Livestock Company, a member of  Hai Thinh Company Vietnam Association of Farms and Agricultural Enterprises (headquarters in Bac Giang - an area with a large herd of livestock). Although the scale is not too large, it has completed the chain from breeding, bran production, slaughtering, and processing, and the product has been OCOP certified. This business trip is also a good opportunity to open up technical and commercial cooperation for members of the Association.

Finally, Dr. Ha Thuy Hanh - Vice President of VFAEA and Deputy Director of the National Center for Agricultural Extension, also expressed her hope that the management agencies of the two sides will strengthen support for businesses and farms to access technology. , promote more favorable trade with foreign partners and cooperation activities of the Association with the Agricultural Council of Denmark.

Trade cooperation between Vietnam and Denmark is growing, as evidenced by the fact that in 2022 the Danish agricultural business delegation visited Vietnam in August. In early November, the Crown Prince succeeded Denmark Frederik and Princess Mary Elizabeth visited Vietnam.

Author: Tung Dinh

Translated by Ha Phuc

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