September 19, 2024 | 17:36 GMT +7

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Tuesday- 14:01, 28/05/2024

Complete the legal corridor for rice export

(VAN) By the end of the first quarter of 2024, rice exports reached 2.18 million tons, an increase of 17.8% in volume; The value reached USD 1.43 billion, an increase of 45.6%.
The main markets for rice exports in the first quarter of 2024 are the Philippines, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The main markets for rice exports in the first quarter of 2024 are the Philippines, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The Agency of Foreign Trade (MOIT) said that to ensure national food security and promote sustainable rice production and export, the MOIT will soon issue a Decree amending and supplementing the Decree. No. 107/2018/ND-CP of the Government.

Regarding export support, the Ministry continues to implement trade activities, promote products, and promote the Vietnamese Rice brand, as well as trade promotion activities, to exploit the advantages of free trade agreements effectively (FTA) aims to diversify, dominate new, potential markets, and improve competitiveness for Vietnam's rice industry.

Direct the system of Vietnamese Trade Offices abroad, trade promotion offices, and Vietnamese product introduction centers to support rice exporters in establishing direct distribution channels; Deploy activities to promote Vietnamese rice, exceptionally high-quality rice with high added value to penetrate demanding and niche markets.

In addition, update policies and moves of rice producing and exporting countries; Timely inform ministries, branches, Vietnam Food Association, and rice export traders to regulate production and business activities and ensure efficiency proactively.

Guide the Vietnam Food Association and rice export traders to improve their capacity to negotiate, sign, and implement export contracts, update the rice export situation, and support traders in handling problems in case of necessity.

Regarding balancing supply and demand, stabilizing prices, and ensuring domestic food security, the MOIT will continue to monitor the market situation closely, proactively direct localities to have plans to prepare supply, ensure supply and demand of rice, promptly meeting people's needs, contributing to stabilizing rice prices in particular and food prices in general, ensuring national food security.

Urge the Vietnam Food Association and rice export traders to earnestly implement the regulations in Decree No. 107/2018/ND-CP, including periodically reporting the amount of rice and rice in stock, signing and implementing rice export contracts; purchasing paddy and rice goods to ensure a balance between export and domestic consumption; and maintaining circulating reserves according to regulations.

Direct the market management force to strengthen coordination with local authorities to closely monitor, inspect, and supervise the circulation and consumption of rice in the area and maintain the expected level. Minimum storage of rice export traders according to regulations; Strictly handle cases of speculation and illegal profiteering, causing instability in the domestic market.

Author: Phan Trang

Translated by Huong Giang

Mariculture left in tears and debt: A billionare turns bankrupt in a blink

Mariculture left in tears and debt: A billionare turns bankrupt in a blink

(VAN) After storm No. 3, Hoang Tan commune - the mariculture capital of Quang Yen town, Quang Ninh province, was left in ruins and destruction, with people living in fear.

Mariculture left in tears and debt: Everything was wiped out, leaving nothing for interest payments

Mariculture left in tears and debt: Everything was wiped out, leaving nothing for interest payments

(VAN) Five women burst into tears as they met with communal officials, who are authorized to collect interest payments for banks. They reiterated: 'Everything was wiped out, leaving nothing for interest payments.

Mariculture left in tears and debt: The horrible nightmare in Van Don

Mariculture left in tears and debt: The horrible nightmare in Van Don

(VAN) Ngo Nam Trung, Director of Trung Nam Cooperative, a mariculture trailblazer in Van Don island shared that even no tears left to cry as almost their efforts were swept away by the typhoon.

Proposal to remove the size regulation for skipjack tuna

Proposal to remove the size regulation for skipjack tuna

(VAN) This is the proposal of many tuna purchasing and processing businesses at the meeting to discuss and remove difficulties in implementing Decree No. 37/2024/ND-CP.

Agricultural development must be implemented in conjunction with environmental protection

Agricultural development must be implemented in conjunction with environmental protection

(VAN) Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien emphasized that agricultural development must go hand in hand with environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources.

Approving National Forestry Planning for the 2021–2030 period

Approving National Forestry Planning for the 2021–2030 period

(VAN) The Government has just issued Decision 895/QD-TTg approving the National Forestry Planning for the 2021–2030 period, with a vision to 2050, which emphasizes sustainable forestry development.

Maintain the 12,500 ha of the Tien Hai Wetland Nature Reserve

Maintain the 12,500 ha of the Tien Hai Wetland Nature Reserve

(VAN) Thai Binh preserves the entire 12,500 ha of the Tien Hai Wetland Nature Reserve, a protected zone of 2,726 ha and a restoration zone of 9,774 ha.

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