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Tuesday- 19:46, 29/08/2023

Combatting IUU fishing, Nam Dinh conducts comprehensive inspections and screenings of all fishing vessels

(VAN) Nam Dinh conducts a comprehensive inspection and review of fishing vessels to update national fishing industry data, prevent and address the operations of vessels that do not meet the conditions for seafood exploitation.

Comprehensive screening of all fishing vessels

The People's Committee of Nam Dinh province has issued Directive No. 593 on the implementation of strong measures to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities, in preparation for the 4th working session in October 2023 with the Inspection Delegation of the European Commission (EC).

Nam Dinh province conducts comprehensive inspections and screenings of all fishing vessels. Photo: Mai Chien.

Nam Dinh province conducts comprehensive inspections and screenings of all fishing vessels. Photo: Mai Chien.

The Provincial People's Committee requires the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, in coordination with relevant departments, sectors, and People's Committees of related districts, to conduct a comprehensive inspection and review of the entire number and status of fishing vessels for screening and classification, ensuring the monitoring and supervision of the entire fleet's activities, especially "3 no" fishing vessels (unregistered, unlicensed for exploitation, not inspected);

Thoroughly handle unregistered and uninspected fishing vessels according to regulations. Tighten control over fishing vessels entering and leaving ports, implement registration, inspection, issuance of seafood exploitation licenses, and update complete vessel data in the national fisheries database (VNFishbase); prevent and strictly address fishing vessels that do not meet the conditions for participating in seafood exploitation activities. Implement source verification and certification to ensure the legal status of exploited aquatic resources. Ensure 100% monitoring of harvested seafood through ports.

According to the plan, Nam Dinh will conduct peak patrol, inspection, control, and administrative violation penalties in the fisheries sector; particularly focusing on strict and thorough handling of violations related to illegal fishing activities in foreign waters, and violations of voyage monitoring regulations. Collaborate with the Border Guard Force to maintain 24/24 surveillance at river mouths leading to the sea to inspect, control, prevent, and address IUU exploitation violations.

Vessels without installation of VMS due to... being ashore and inactive

On August 29th, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Nam Dinh reported the results of combating illegal fishing in the province. Accordingly, there are currently 1,759 fishing vessels in the entire province, including 548 vessels (accounting for 30.15%) with a length under 6 meters (under commune management); 393 vessels (accounting for 22.34%) from 6 to less than 12 meters; 303 vessels (accounting for 17.22%) from 12 to less than 15 meters; 515 vessels (accounting for 29.27%) of 15 meters and above. The total number of direct seafood harvesting laborers at sea is 5,270 people.

Monitoring system for fishing vessels to combat unauthorized fishing in Nam Dinh.

Monitoring system for fishing vessels to combat unauthorized fishing in Nam Dinh.

Nam Dinh has installed the Vessel Monitoring System for most of the fishermen's fishing vessels in the province. Photo: Mai Chien.

Nam Dinh has installed the Vessel Monitoring System for most of the fishermen's fishing vessels in the province. Photo: Mai Chien.

As of now, the number of fishing vessels with a length of 15 meters and above that have installed VMS devices is 507 out of 515 vessels, reaching a rate of 98.45%. The remaining 8 vessels have not installed VMS devices due to them being inactive and ashore. As of August 23rd, the total estimated harvested seafood output for the province reached 40,516 tons (achieving 65.35% of the plan), a 1.20% increase compared to the same period in 2022.

From the beginning of 2023 until now, relevant authorities have issued 8 notifications for vessels that have lost signals for 10 days or more, and 1 notification for a vessel that has lost signal for over 1 year, sent to coordinating units within the province.

Specifically, vessels that have lost signals for more than 10 days amount to 320 cases (236 out of 320 cases verified); among these, vessels that have lost connection at sea for more than 10 days are 106 out of 130 cases (96 out of 130 cases verified), and vessels that have lost connection ashore are 140 out of 190 cases (178 out of 190 cases verified).

The main reasons for vessels losing signals, as determined by the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Nam Định, are that the vessels have been inactive and ashore for an extended period, leading to the deactivation or damage of the equipment.

Additionally, as of August 15th, Nam Dinh province has administratively fined several fishing vessels for violations in the fisheries sector. The Provincial Border Guard Command in Nam Dinh province discovered and processed administrative violations totaling 881 million VND (66 vessels) related to storing electric shock tools for unauthorized fishing; failure to maintain VMS equipment on fishing vessels; failure to purchase insurance for crew members as required; expiration of technical safety certificates for fishing vessels; and the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development fined 52 violators for administrative violations, with a total fine amount of 261 million VND.

Fishermen from Nam Dinh preparing to set sail. Photo: Thai Binh.

Fishermen from Nam Dinh preparing to set sail. Photo: Thai Binh.

Regarding the implementation of fishing exploitation licenses and food safety certificates on fishing vessels, up to now, the Nam Dinh Fisheries Sub-department has issued fishing exploitation licenses for 1,162 out of 1,211 vessels (achieving 95.95%), the total number of vessels requiring licenses. Food safety certificates have been issued for 493 out of 515 fishing vessels (achieving 95.73%).

To achieve higher results in combating IUU fishing, the Nam Dinh Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development states that in the coming time, they will continue to coordinate closely with relevant authorities to strictly control the entry and exit of fishing vessels, resolutely not allowing vessels that do not meet the required regulations to set sail.

They will put an end to the situation of vessels operating without licenses, without equipping VMS devices, without maintaining VMS, vessels without identification numbers, and vessels that set sail and conduct production activities without proper markings. Strict actions will be taken against deliberate violations.

In addition, they will regularly deploy anchored vessels to block the exits at river mouths to the sea within the province in order to prevent and detect IUU exploitation violations, prevent vessels violating regulations from setting sail, and handle deliberate violations.

Author: Kien Trung

Translated by Nguyen Hai Long

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