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Thursday- 11:15, 04/07/2024

Bird flu causes egg shortage in Australia

(VAN) McDonald’s in Australia has had to adjust its breakfast service hours due to an outbreak of bird flu that has forced the culling of about 1.5 million chickens.
Bird flu causes egg shortage in Australia. 

Bird flu causes egg shortage in Australia. 

McDonald’s posted on Facebook: Like many other retailers, we are closely managing our egg supply due to the industry's current challenges. From July 2, we will stop serving breakfast at 10:30am instead of the usual 12pm.

McDonald’s is working hard with Australian farmers and suppliers to get things back to normal as soon as possible.

Australia is currently facing an outbreak of several strains of highly pathogenic avian influenza that have hit 11 poultry operations, mainly egg farms, in the country's southeast since May 2024. 

While none of the strains are the H5N1 avian influenza variant that has spread through bird and mammal populations around the world, the outbreak has affected less than 10% of Australia’s egg-laying hens. Authorities are working to contain the virus, but some retailers have had to limit the number of eggs customers can buy. This is Australia’s 10th outbreak since 1976.

There was a disruption in egg supplies last week, with shelves in some stores empty by the end of the day, according to Rowan McMonnies, CEO of industry body Australian Eggs. 

However, Australian consumers can rest assured that there are still more than 20 million hens being cared for by hundreds of egg farmers across the country and they will continue to work hard to ensure eggs are on store shelves.

Author: Quynh Chi

Translated by Quynh Chi

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