April 20, 2024 | 14:24 GMT +7

Từ khóa: agricultural innovation

Click to update the newest articles, photos, video clips on the agricultural innovation subjects on vietnamagriculture.nongnghiep.vn

Training course nurtures agricultural innovation

Training course nurtures agricultural innovation

(VAN) A training course for nurturing innovative agricultural talent is being held in Quzhou county of Handan, Hebei province, with more than 100 trainees from home and abroad participating.

Some thoughts after a journey

Some thoughts after a journey

(VAN) ‘Travel broadens the mind’. Setting foot in a new land, attending events, and speaking with partners help you discover many wonderful things.

Vietnam agriculture getting close to ‘the 5.0 challenge & chance’

Vietnam agriculture getting close to ‘the 5.0 challenge & chance’

(VAN) Industry ‘5.0’ suggests a vision of efficient and high-yield agriculture in which human cooperation with science and technology is highly valued.

V4 Group is ready to provide agricultural solutions in the face of global challenges

V4 Group is ready to provide agricultural solutions in the face of global challenges

(VAN) The V4 Agriculture Innovation Forum was conducted on May 20 at the Hungarian Embassy in Vietnam.