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Thursday- 10:53, 11/03/2021

16 reptile species listed in restriction of entering the US

Some species of reptiles, including the Burmese python and the iguanas, have been listed by the Florida State government as invasive creatures endangering the ecosystem.
A little girl by her tegu lizard pet. Photo: Reddit.

A little girl by her tegu lizard pet. Photo: Reddit.

Creatures included in the special surveillance list are many species of pythons, green iguanas, tegu lizards and Nile lizards ... Among which, some often hunt and eat native wildlife in Florida, even pets there. Besides, they also burrow and become a threat to human constructions such as fountains, homes and gardens.

Ms Julie Wraithmell, Vice President and Chief Executive of the nature conservation organization, the National Audubon Society in Florida, described raising invasive animals, especially reptiles was like playing with a match among the straw mess.

Earlier, on February 25, 2021, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted unanimously on a list of 16 species of reptile forbidden to enter the state. That means they can only be brought to Florida for exhibition purposes, zoos and researches.

Such a new move of the Florida authority came after the Burmese python was reported to have devastated and threatened many local native wildlife species.

Meanwhile, Mr Rodney Barreto, the Commission's Chairman, said these exotic reptiles were causing a lot of fierce problems for localities.

And unfortunately, he said, the environment was very preferable for them to easily multiply.

The newly emerging problem entangled with complicated legal issues has forced the state government to give the owners of these creatures a deadline of 180 days to comply with measures to keep them in barns or outdoor cribs.

In addition, the local authority has allowed green iguanas and tegu lizards to be traded until June 30, 2024. From then on, all trading activities on these species will be banned in the area.

A Nile lizard of nearly 1 meter long is hunting fish under the Heritage Lake in Indiana. Photo:

A Nile lizard of nearly 1 meter long is hunting fish under the Heritage Lake in Indiana. Photo:

Robert Spottswood, a member of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said he sympathized with traders and lovers of reptile and animal pets. But these sanctions was resulted from a monitoring process on invasive species which continued to enter the wild.

These animals were causing a lot of damages to nature so our responsibility was to do something about it, according to the official.

 According to the Commission, there are more than 500 non-native species in Florida, most of which appear due to the boom of animal trade and then they escape or were released into the natural environment.

Author: Ha Duong

Translated by: Kim Khuyen

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