April 25, 2024 | 19:01 GMT +7

Từ khóa: Winter-Spring crop

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Keep the harmful disease away from the lush rice fields

Keep the harmful disease away from the lush rice fields

(VAN) As the risk of neck blast emerging in the winter-spring crop remains, farmers must stay vigilant in the prevention work.

For a grand victory of this winter-spring crop

For a grand victory of this winter-spring crop

(VAN) Facing the risk of neck blast spreading strong, the MARD has deployed certain plans and directives to gain an active stance in preventing this disease. 

Proactively preventing neck blast in the winter-spring crop

Proactively preventing neck blast in the winter-spring crop

(VAN) Winter-spring rice in Northern provinces is at the growing - flowering stage, but the weather seems favorable for an outbreak of neck blast disease.

Rice yield of winter-spring crop 2021-2022 to reach 71.91 quintals per ha, highest over two decades

Rice yield of winter-spring crop 2021-2022 to reach 71.91 quintals per ha, highest over two decades

(VAN) The rice yield of the winter-spring crop of 2021-2022 is estimated to reach 71.91 quintals per ha, the highest number over the past two decades.

High production cost and low yield corrode the profit of winter-spring rice crop

High production cost and low yield corrode the profit of winter-spring rice crop

(VAN) Padding fields across the Mekong Delta are overwhelmed with a bustle in the harvest time of the winter-spring rice crop. There was quite a stir about the profits and loss of this crop.

Danger as the Red river bed is lowering deeper and deeper

Danger as the Red river bed is lowering deeper and deeper

(VAN) The bed leading the Da river, especially the section from Ba Vi district (Hanoi) to the upstream, has been lowered from 1 to 1.5 meter compared to the same period in 2021.

It is possible to save 50% on fertilizer costs

It is possible to save 50% on fertilizer costs

(VAN) Several farmers in the Mekong Delta have reduced their use of inorganic fertilizers by 50% while maintaining a guaranteed rice production of more than 6 tons per hectare.

Suggesting to reduce fertilizers by 50% for 2021-2022 winter-spring crop

Suggesting to reduce fertilizers by 50% for 2021-2022 winter-spring crop

(VAN) Farmers are urged to reduce 50% of the amount of fertilizer to relax the pressure caused by the surge in feritilizer price although the output may lower than hundreds of kg per ha.

Farmers enjoy bumper Winter-Spring rice crop

Farmers enjoy bumper Winter-Spring rice crop

(VAN) Thanks to the timely direction of the Agriculture Ministry, the rice yield of the 2020-2021 Winter-Spring crop is expected at 6.3 tons per hectare, up 0.1 ton against last year.