April 17, 2024 | 01:06 GMT +7

Từ khóa: Vietnam SPS Office

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EU warns of pesticide residues found in Vietnamese agricultural products

EU warns of pesticide residues found in Vietnamese agricultural products

(VAN) The EU has warned that bitter leaves and some other agricultural products exported from Vietnam have exceeded the maximum residue level of many active ingredients and banned substances.

VN needs to disseminate SPS commitments’ implementation

VN needs to disseminate SPS commitments’ implementation

(VAN) Disseminating of the implementing Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) commitments is very necessary now.

Dragon fruit, vegetables’ testing frequency too high, Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association calls for help

Dragon fruit, vegetables’ testing frequency too high, Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association calls for help

(VAN) The Vietnam Fruit and Vegetable Association has called for help because of the high frequency of testing dragon fruit and spice vegetables before exporting them to the European market.

The determining criteria for dragon fruit inspection frequency need to be clarified

The determining criteria for dragon fruit inspection frequency need to be clarified

(VAN) At the 83rd meeting session of the SPS-WTO Committee, Vietnam SPS Office particularly focused on discussing sessions with the EU and China.

Reducing inspection frequency for instant noodles exported to the EU

Reducing inspection frequency for instant noodles exported to the EU

(VAN) Vietnam SPS Office recommends businesses closely monitor the level of residues in products exported to the EU market.

Support for exporters to China: Vague fear pushes businesses away SPS Office Vietnam’s helping hand

Support for exporters to China: Vague fear pushes businesses away SPS Office Vietnam’s helping hand

(VAN) SPS Office Vietnam, in coordination with China Customs, has enthusiastically contacted domestic businesses to complete export documents.

Building awareness from the ground up

Building awareness from the ground up

(VAN) In order to adapt to the world’s increasing demands, Vietnam SPS Office recommends businesses establish a clear-through information system.