April 30, 2024 | 16:47 GMT +7

Từ khóa: the 4th Global Conference

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Acknowledgments and expectations from the Global Food Systems Conference

Acknowledgments and expectations from the Global Food Systems Conference

(VAN) At the closing session of the Global Conference on Sustainable Food Systems Transformation, the coordinators shared the message that the partners wanted to convey.

Vietnam has wraped up a meaningful conference on food system

Vietnam has wraped up a meaningful conference on food system

(VAN) Amid new global uncertainties, the fourth Global Conference on Sustainable Food Systems in Vietnam has emerged as a key event.

UNIDO, FAO: Vietnam is doing well as a leader in food system transformation

UNIDO, FAO: Vietnam is doing well as a leader in food system transformation

(VAN) Without stronger linkage to transform food systems, it will be difficult for countries to achieve their sustainable development goals.

Replicating examples of successful food system transformation

Replicating examples of successful food system transformation

(VAN) Ahead of the fourth Global Conference on Sustainable Food Systems, CGIAR Global Director for Partnerships and Policy Advocacy Dr. Juan Lucas expressed many expectations about the event.

FAO expert: No country can promote sustainable food systems alone

FAO expert: No country can promote sustainable food systems alone

(VAN) Stefanos Fotiou shared his excitement about the upcoming conference in Vietnam, whose goal is to move from challenge to solution so that food systems can take place at the national level.