April 30, 2024 | 23:08 GMT +7

Từ khóa: Sustainable food systems

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UNIDO, FAO: Vietnam is doing well as a leader in food system transformation

UNIDO, FAO: Vietnam is doing well as a leader in food system transformation

(VAN) Without stronger linkage to transform food systems, it will be difficult for countries to achieve their sustainable development goals.

Replicating examples of successful food system transformation

Replicating examples of successful food system transformation

(VAN) Ahead of the fourth Global Conference on Sustainable Food Systems, CGIAR Global Director for Partnerships and Policy Advocacy Dr. Juan Lucas expressed many expectations about the event.

Over 200 international delegates attend the 4th Global Conference of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme

Over 200 international delegates attend the 4th Global Conference of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme

(VAN) The Conference is expected to be held from April 24 to 28 in Hanoi, with the participation of many ministers, deputy ministers, and heads of sectors from countries and international organizations.

The cow in the room: why is no one talking about farming at Cop26?

The cow in the room: why is no one talking about farming at Cop26?

(VAN) Sustainable food systems are a cornerstone to cutting emissions but have been largely absent from the agenda in Glasgow.