April 26, 2024 | 02:19 GMT +7

Từ khóa: SRI

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Recover position for sugarcane: Remove two main bottlenecks

Recover position for sugarcane: Remove two main bottlenecks

(VAN) The sugarcane industry has bottlenecks that need to be resolved for stable and sustainable development, as shared by Dr. Cao Anh Duong, Director of the Sugarcane Research Institute (SRI).

Healthy rice plant, fresh environment, and better farmer thanks to SRI

Healthy rice plant, fresh environment, and better farmer thanks to SRI

(VAN) Since the beginning of the year 2000, SRI has been implemented in Hanoi, and hardly any localities in the Red River Delta can foster the continuous implementation of SRI like the capital city.

Scaling up model of input cost reduction: Determine to quit the insidious habits

Scaling up model of input cost reduction: Determine to quit the insidious habits

(VAN) Farmers in Binh Dinh have long been aware of fertilizer savings during cultivation to decrease input costs. Due to the recent spike in fertilizer prices, the approach has been significantly scaled up.

Scaling up model of input cost reduction: SRI provides benefits and mitigates damage

Scaling up model of input cost reduction: SRI provides benefits and mitigates damage

(VAN) Farmers in Binh Thuan who have implemented a rice production model based on SRI (the system of rice intensification) have discovered that the method greatly reduces input costs and increases income.