April 24, 2024 | 03:28 GMT +7

Từ khóa: regulation

Click to update the newest articles, photos, video clips on the regulation subjects on vietnamagriculture.nongnghiep.vn

Nearly 1,000 new regulations on food safety standards each year

Nearly 1,000 new regulations on food safety standards each year

(VAN) Dr. Ngo Xuan Nam warns businesses failure to update information on the requirements of importing markets can easily lead to violations.

Adapting regulatory frameworks for functional food management

Adapting regulatory frameworks for functional food management

(VAN) MoH has opened voting on a draft Circular modifying, augmenting, and repealing many legal documents on food safety, including several provisions in the previous Circular issued in 2014 addressing the management of functional foods.

‘Pointing out’ 19 localities neglecting to fight IUU fishing

‘Pointing out’ 19 localities neglecting to fight IUU fishing

(VAN) A recent EC assessment revealed serious problems that remained in authorities’ implementation of the legal framework to combat IUU fishing.