April 29, 2024 | 22:39 GMT +7

Từ khóa: milk

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Exports of poultry, suckling pig meats, and milk see a steep upswing

Exports of poultry, suckling pig meats, and milk see a steep upswing

(VAN) Exports of livestock products such as poultry, suckling pig meats, and milk saw have increased significantly as the exports of several key industries have declined.

The cows give delicious milk and the stories of Tuyen Quang province

The cows give delicious milk and the stories of Tuyen Quang province

 (VAN) The total dairy herd of Tuyen Quang province is stable in both quantity and quality, and its reputation is high among the dairy herd nationwide.

TH Group runs USD2.7 billion project in Russia

TH Group runs USD2.7 billion project in Russia

(VAN) TH Group has applied high technology, the most modern management science and selected the best dairy cow breed for the project it has implemented in Russia.

Vietnam sharply increases milk importation from ASEAN

Vietnam sharply increases milk importation from ASEAN

In January 2020, milk and dairy products imported to Vietnam continue to increase, especially strong for importations from the ASEAN areas.