April 28, 2024 | 10:26 GMT +7

Từ khóa: Indian agriculture

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MARD Minister Le Minh Hoan sends a letter of condolence following the demise of Dr. Swaminathan

MARD Minister Le Minh Hoan sends a letter of condolence following the demise of Dr. Swaminathan

(VAN) Sharing the condolence, the leader of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development hopes that Indian agriculture and people soon overcome the great loss following the demise of Dr. Swaminathan.

Farming 3.0: How AI, IoT and mobile apps are driving the agritech revolution

Farming 3.0: How AI, IoT and mobile apps are driving the agritech revolution

(VAN) Indian agriculture is evolving. From IoT-based sensors to smart farming, the technological development will usher in a new dawn in the coming years.