April 26, 2024 | 22:08 GMT +7

Từ khóa: global food crisis

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Russia woos Africa with free grain, fertilizer research funding

Russia woos Africa with free grain, fertilizer research funding

(VAN) Russian shipments of donated grain are due to begin landing in Africa within days, giving fresh impetus to its bid to bolster its influence in the continent.

Is a global food crisis the new normal?

Is a global food crisis the new normal?

(VAN) From Indian rice to Australian wheat, climate change is hitting yields, adding to food shortages and price spikes caused by the war in Ukraine. But there’s a way around it, analysts say.

Govt to release 7.5 million tonnes of grains to cool prices

Govt to release 7.5 million tonnes of grains to cool prices

(VAN) The government hopes the fresh allocations will send a strong signal to markets that the Centre’s main grain agency, FCI, has no dearth of grains.

UN says the global food crisis is about affordability, not availability

UN says the global food crisis is about affordability, not availability

(VAN) Food prices remain stubbornly high as Russia’s war in Ukraine drags on, exacerbating existing pressure from supply chain disruptions and climate change.

We're in a global food crisis that will wreak havoc on local economies and civil unrest

We're in a global food crisis that will wreak havoc on local economies and civil unrest

(VAN) In India, the cost of lemons has skyrocketed. Jollof rice has become so expensive in Nigeria that people are skipping meals.

India seen as thwarting G-7 push to avert global food crisis

India seen as thwarting G-7 push to avert global food crisis

(VAN) A plan proposed by the Group of Seven nations to mitigate a looming global food crisis is confronting an immovable force -- India.

Plan to ship grain out of Ukraine dealt blow due to mines

Plan to ship grain out of Ukraine dealt blow due to mines

(VAN) Turkish offer to escort ships through Black Sea blockade would face six-month wait for mine clearance, says Ukraine.