April 28, 2024 | 06:01 GMT +7

Từ khóa: food waste

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Making treasure out of trash: Firms turn food waste into compost, insect feed

Making treasure out of trash: Firms turn food waste into compost, insect feed

(VAN) One food recycling plant in Tuas, Envcares, sees an average of 100 tonnes of food waste a day.

Stopping food waste before it starts is key to reaching climate goals

Stopping food waste before it starts is key to reaching climate goals

(VAN) While rescuing wasted food gets all the headlines, a new EPA report shows that avoiding it completely offers bigger benefits.

Over a third of food produced last year went to waste, costing Israel $6b - report

Over a third of food produced last year went to waste, costing Israel $6b - report

(VAN) Document’s author accuses previous government of ‘economic folly’ for failing to create national food rescue policy during year in which 150,000 joined ranks of food insecure.

Food waste no more: Here’s how Singapore restaurants-and-bars are giving new life to their scraps

Food waste no more: Here’s how Singapore restaurants-and-bars are giving new life to their scraps

(VAN) With such industry-wide efforts to reduce and repurpose waste, we, too, feel a little more inspired to do what we can to help the planet this Christmas–even if it’s simply by not over-ordering food.

From bin to skin: Meet the Singaporean who makes face masks from food waste

From bin to skin: Meet the Singaporean who makes face masks from food waste

(VAN) Didi Gan’s quest for an all-natural, non-toxic N95 mask and home disinfecting solutions led her to intercept heaps of nut waste on their way to landfills.

We throw-away a third of the food we grow – here’s what to do about waste

We throw-away a third of the food we grow – here’s what to do about waste

(VAN) The COVID pandemic has shown the fragility of our global food supply chains, with many supermarkets and restaurants in almost every country having experienced food shortages.

The lie of “expired” food and the disastrous truth of America’s food waste problem

The lie of “expired” food and the disastrous truth of America’s food waste problem

(VAN) Maybe you know the routine. Every so often, I go through my refrigerator, check labels on the items, and throw-out anything that’s a month,or maybe a few days past the date on the label.