April 30, 2024 | 00:13 GMT +7

Từ khóa: Food prices rise

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The measure of world food prices rose in April for first time in a year

The measure of world food prices rose in April for first time in a year

(VAN) FAO Food Price Index increases, amid higher international quotations for sugar, meat and rice, while prices for wheat, maize, dairy products and vegetable oils decline.

Gas, food prices will continue to climb with ‘no end in sight,’ economics professor warns

Gas, food prices will continue to climb with ‘no end in sight,’ economics professor warns

(VAN) With April’s inflation numbers out next week, Fox News contributor and The King’s College executive vice president of business and economics Brian Brenberg warned 40-year high consumer prices will carry on–likely to a recession. 

Food prices rise in response to pandemic and war

Food prices rise in response to pandemic and war

(VAN) Experts point to pandemic-driven consumption changes and the toll of the war in Ukraine as reasons for increased grocery store bills.