April 20, 2024 | 18:01 GMT +7

Từ khóa: Fertilizer prices

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African smallholder farmers count the cost of fertilizer price spike

African smallholder farmers count the cost of fertilizer price spike

(VAN) Helplessly watching her maize turn yellow as she waited for free fertilizer from the government, Zimbabwean farmer Marian Kanenungo had nothing but...

Have fertilizer prices peaked?

Have fertilizer prices peaked?

(VAN) An extended price rally in the global mineral fertilizers market has been among the negative consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war, having contributed to an increase in global food insecurity.

Fertilizer prices are soaring & that’s an opportunity to promote more sustainable ways of growing crops

Fertilizer prices are soaring & that’s an opportunity to promote more sustainable ways of growing crops

(VAN) Farmers are coping with a fertilizer crisis brought on by soaring fossil fuel prices and industry consolidation. The price of synthetic fertilizer has more than doubled since 2021, causing great stress in farm country.

Several fertilizer types might reach unprecedented heights

Several fertilizer types might reach unprecedented heights

(VAN) Fertilizer prices have been rising at a rapid pace in the second half of April, and they are expected to continue to rise in the third quarter of this year.

Fertilizer prices are at record highs. Here’s what that means for the global economy

Fertilizer prices are at record highs. Here’s what that means for the global economy

(VAN) Supply shortages fueled by the Ukraine-Russia conflict, along with a host of pre-existing factors, have driven fertilizer prices to record highs.

Fertilizer prices hit a record high sparking fears of global starvation& the worst food insecurity

Fertilizer prices hit a record high sparking fears of global starvation& the worst food insecurity

(VAN) Farmers worldwide are feeling the sting of sanctions, as the Ukraine War has sent fertilizer prices soaring to new all-time highs, prompting concerns over a global food shortage.

Most retail fertilizer prices resume climb at beginning of March

Most retail fertilizer prices resume climb at beginning of March

(VAN) Seven of the eight major fertilizers were higher looking back a month, though none were up a significant amount. DTN designates a significant move as anything 5% or more.

Fertilizer prices in Vietnam expected to surge due to Russia-Ukraine conflict

Fertilizer prices in Vietnam expected to surge due to Russia-Ukraine conflict

(VAN) The Russia-Ukraine conflict has had a significant impact on the global fertilizer industry, and it is predicted that fertilizer prices in Vietnam will continue to rise.

How will fertilizer prices change in the future?

How will fertilizer prices change in the future?

(VAN) After the Lunar New Year, fertilizer prices dropped sharply both in domestic and world markets. Further changes are bound to happen in the near future,

“I have to throw away my crops because of energy prices”

“I have to throw away my crops because of energy prices”

(VAN) A cucumber grower in North Savo, Finland, has found himself in a desperate situation in the last weeks of the last year as electricity prices have risen.

Paradox: 'A ton of fertilizer is more expensive than a ton of rice'

Paradox: 'A ton of fertilizer is more expensive than a ton of rice'

(VAN) A massive crisis in fertilizer price is hitting the rice industry, which supplies food for half of the world's population. The fertilizer price is forecasted to suffer a sharp increase soon.

Soybean foliar fertilizers: Worth the investment?

Soybean foliar fertilizers: Worth the investment?

(VAN) With soaring fertilizer prices, farmers are left wondering what the best course of action is for their 2022 nutrient management plan. Cut back on fertilizer? Try out microbial solutions? Bite the bullet&apply full rate?

Superphosphate fertilizer - the 'stabilizer' amid 'price storm'

Superphosphate fertilizer - the 'stabilizer' amid 'price storm'

(VAN) The price of superphosphate is currently the cheapest on the market, so consumers’ plants can still get sufficient phosphorus nutrients at the most reasonable price.

DAP fertilizer price once again surpasses the USD 700/ton mark

DAP fertilizer price once again surpasses the USD 700/ton mark

(VAN) According to the DTN market tracking platform, the potash fertilizer price significantly increased compared to the previous month; meanwhile the average retail price of DAP fertilizer reached the highest mark in 10 years.

Fertilizer prices remain high

Fertilizer prices remain high

(VAN) In a report sent to the MARD’s Working Group 970, the Plant Protection Department has advised citizens to use fertilizers in sufficient quantities and apply technical advances.