April 20, 2024 | 13:43 GMT +7

Từ khóa: agricultural land

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Ensuring the rights and interests of farmers when rice land is converted for other purposes

Ensuring the rights and interests of farmers when rice land is converted for other purposes

(VAN) The fundamental solution to ensure national food security is to ensure a stable agricultural land area and ensure the rights of agricultural land users.

States accelerate efforts to block Chinese purchases of agricultural land

States accelerate efforts to block Chinese purchases of agricultural land

(VAN) A growing number of states are considering or have passed measures this legislative term to ban “foreign adversaries” and foreign entities – specifically China – from buying farmland.

Agricultural land resources are being 'exploited'

Agricultural land resources are being 'exploited'

(VAN) 4% of Vietnam's land area is strongly degraded, 7% shows signs of degradation and 20.4% is at risk of degradation.

Preserving farmland to the greatest extent possible and putting priority on credit

Preserving farmland to the greatest extent possible and putting priority on credit

 (VAN) Access to capital and policies on farmland are hindering the farmers' professionalization.

After millennia of agricultural expansion, the world has passed ‘peak agricultural land’

After millennia of agricultural expansion, the world has passed ‘peak agricultural land’

(VAN) The world produces more food than ever, but the amount of land we use is now falling. This means we can feed more people while restoring wild habitat.

Bring agricultural land onto ‘exchanges’

Bring agricultural land onto ‘exchanges’

(VAN) After nearly 10 years of implementation, the 2013 Land Law has begun to reveal shortcomings that hinder the development of Vietnam’s agroindustry.