April 30, 2024 | 05:10 GMT +7

Từ khóa: agricultural industry

Click to update the newest articles, photos, video clips on the agricultural industry subjects on vietnamagriculture.nongnghiep.vn

Enough basis to achieve the target of USD 55 billion in agro-product export

Enough basis to achieve the target of USD 55 billion in agro-product export

(VAN) Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien emphasizes the role of enterprises in the context of the increasing requirement for chain production.

A famous tea area rises up and shines in Lai Chau agricultural industry

A famous tea area rises up and shines in Lai Chau agricultural industry

(VAN) From a particularly disadvantageous commune, Ban Bo has emerged as a bright example of agriculture in Tam Duong District, Lai Chau Province thanks to the development of Kim Tuyen tea growing.

A scientist's aspiration is a matter of thought

A scientist's aspiration is a matter of thought

(VAN) Young research staff at institutes now cannot be said to be living miserably. Doing the topic means having money, having funds, having vehicles...