April 27, 2024 | 18:16 GMT +7

Từ khóa: African swine fever virus

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The latest on African swine fever outbreaks

The latest on African swine fever outbreaks

African swine fever is re-emerging in Asia, threatening to upend efforts to replenish national herds after the virus killed tens of millions of pigs in the region and created a huge shortage of meat protein.

New study finds natural ASF mutation less deadly, but harder to detect

New study finds natural ASF mutation less deadly, but harder to detect

New variants of African swine fever (ASF) in China seem to cause a milder form of the disease, making it less deadly but also harder to detect and control.

Vaccinations against Lumpy skin disease and African swine fever virus prove effective

Vaccinations against Lumpy skin disease and African swine fever virus prove effective

Experiment and pilot Vaccination against Lumpy skin disease and African swine fever virus has brought about positive results.

Chinese researchers find natural mutation in African swine fever virus

Chinese researchers find natural mutation in African swine fever virus

Chinese scientists have found a natural mutation in the African swine fever virus they say could be less deadly than the strain that ravaged the world’s largest pig herd in 2018 and 2019.