April 26, 2024 | 05:29 GMT +7

Từ khóa: Wood exports

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The wood sector is optimistic of meeting the USD 14-14.5 billion export goal

The wood sector is optimistic of meeting the USD 14-14.5 billion export goal

(VAN) With the backing of Resolution 128 and the tight supervision of officials from MARD and VAF, the wood sector is expected to meet and surpass the USD 14.5 billion export target.

Binh Duong accounts for nearly half of the total value of Vietnam's wood exports

Binh Duong accounts for nearly half of the total value of Vietnam's wood exports

Binh Duong accounts for nearly half of the total export value of more than US$12 billion of the wood industry in 2020, continuing to be the largest wood exporting province in Vietnam.

Wood exports set a new record of more than US$1 billion

Wood exports set a new record of more than US$1 billion

In the first month of 2021, while exports of many agricultural products faced difficulties due to the shortage of containers, wood exports continued to grow strongly and reached over US$1 billion.