April 27, 2024 | 00:14 GMT +7

Từ khóa: Dragon fruit price

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Incurring huge loss, dragon fruit growers are unsure whether to leave or keep

Incurring huge loss, dragon fruit growers are unsure whether to leave or keep

(VAN) When the price of dragon fruit is dirt cheap and the loss remains enormous, many farmers in Binh Thuan have shifted into another plant, while others have determined to maintain the fruit crop.

Profitable tree suddenly succumbs to insecurity

Profitable tree suddenly succumbs to insecurity

(VAN) Farmers engaging in dragon fruit cultivation look forward to the off-season fruits the most, but the last dragon fruit harvest was severely underpriced and even unsellable, causing a heavy loss for farmers.

Dragon fruit price suddenly soars

Dragon fruit price suddenly soars

Dragon fruit price in the first days of the new year suddenly soared, ranging from VND15-20 thousand/kg.